2030 Goals
Our sustainability strategy has five key elements, each with a primary metric and a 2030 goal. Every Casella employee has an important role to play in advancing these essential elements of our sustainable growth strategy.
Find out MoreEssential Workers
The men and women of the waste and recycling industry provide an essential service to society. By keeping our communities clean and recovering resources for new uses, these essential workers make modern life possible.
Find out MoreMaterials Management
The work we do, the infrastructure we build, and the investments we make help to enable our customers and communities to achieve their recycling goals. We are proud to play this integral role in advancing local, regional, and global sustainability.
Find out MoreSustainable Operations
Through the services we provide, we help our customers and communities meet their environmental goals. We can also benefit the environment by reducing the impact of our own operations, focusing particularly on fuel efficiency and environmental compliance.
Find out MoreClimate Leadership
For us, climate leadership is not about doing less; it is about doing more. It is about capturing more gas; producing more renewable energy; reducing, reusing, and recycling more; and sequestering more.
Find out MoreCommunity Engagement
The Casella community is comprised of thousands of employees, customers, business partners, non-profit organizations, government officials, and shareholders moving forward together in service to each other.
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About Us
To update stakeholders on our progress toward our sustainability vision, we issue a biennial sustainability report. This report has been prepared in accordance with the reporting framework developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. The GRI standards are built upon the following principles:
- Stakeholder Inclusiveness: In preparing our report, we strive to consider the perspectives of six key stakeholder groups: Employees, Customers, Communities, Investors, Government and Supply Chain.
- Sustainability Context: Throughout our report, we describe the ways that our sustainability initiatives align with broader societal goals and environmental protections.
- GRI Materiality: We report on the topics that are important to our stakeholders and that reflect our economic, environmental, and social impacts. These are described in the chart below.
- Completeness: We strive to provide a full picture of the material sustainability issues within our operational boundaries that best reflect the impacts of our business since our last report.
GRI Assessment: In early 2020, through stakeholder surveys, management interviews, and a facilitated workshop, we identified the environmental, social, and economic topics that are most relevant to our stakeholders and aligned with our business success. The adjacent chart summarizes the results of our assessment. Individual topics are represented by the white dots, which we have consolidated into topic areas listed in blue text. This report is organized around the five sustainability topics listed in the upper right quadrant.
Time period: This report is current through August 2022. Data points reflect the 12-months ended 12/31/2021, unless otherwise noted.
Other sustainability documents: In addition to this sustainability report, our stakeholders may be interested in one or more of the following references: our GRI Content Index, which is appended to this report, and our Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) disclosure and our CDP Climate disclosure, which are available on our website ir.casella.com/esg-practices.
For nearly fifty years, sustainability has been at the core of Casella’s mission, values, and services. And, because of this, our company has always been organized around the idea that our job is to protect, conserve, and renew resources – particularly material resources.
Over the years, our contribution to sustainability has grown to include the stewardship of resources such as the climate, our raw materials, our energy, and our people. With each passing year more of our customers, no matter what business they are in, are embracing opportunities to make their operations and their products and services more sustainable. To step up and assist them with our expertise and our assets is not only a great business opportunity, but also a great calling to advance our mission and contribute to society.
In 2020 we laid out our sustainability goals and targets for the year 2030. With this year’s report, we introduce a distilled focus on five primary goals. While we intend to continue internally managing against many sustainability performance indicators, we believe that elevating our five primary metrics will allow us to maintain a high level of focus around our most important and impactful 2030 goals.
To us, these 2030 sustainability goals are strategic. Achieving them is important to us especially to the extent that they align directly with our strategic goals and foundational pillars. Having set ourtargets, we are now working to assess, refine, and where applicable integrate them into our operations and services. This report details our progress to date and describes where we’ve found even greater opportunity for sustainable growth and performance.
Evolving economic, social, and environmental issues continuously challenge all enterprises to take fresh perspectives on how they conduct and grow their business. Achieving our goals will require that we continue to find ways to align the environmental and economic models to develop solutions that are truly sustainable in every sense of the word. To thrive in this rapidly changing world, we expect to continue to invent new solutions, form creative and valuable new alliances, and anticipate and understand the new opportunities that come with change.
I hope you will gather from reading this report, we remain optimistic and excited about sustainability in our business, and the opportunities it presents.
Our essential workers and managers, guided by our Core Values, are the true drivers of our sustainability progress. None of this is possible without them. For their efforts, I am extremely grateful.
Thank you for your interest in Casella, and the work we are doing to make the world a better place, now and for the future. We think we are solving important problems, and we hope you agree.
All the best,
John W. Casella
Chairman & CEO