Monday - Friday: 6:45 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Sunday: Closed
Phone: 585-526-4420

Ontario County Landfill
A state of the art 389-acre development essential for satisfying the long-term waste disposal needs of New Yorkers.
Landfill Hotline - Open 24/7
To report concerns related to the Ontario County Landfill, please call 888-230-2004 .
What Should I Expect When Calling the Casella Hotline?
When utilizing Casella’s hotline to report a concern regarding the landfill, please be prepared to provide; your name, phone number, address of observation, date of observation, time of observation, strength of the odor, type of odor, and if applicable whether or not you grant permission for staff to enter your property to assess the odors.
June 4, 2020
Ontario County Landfill is nearing the completion of the first phase of gas construction. There are currently six new horizontal gas collection systems functional and one more significant span underway.
After again deploying a drone to determine the degree of success of our recent work at the facility, a few more areas of interest were identified and we immediately started a second phase of horizontal and vertical collection installation in the impacted areas. This second phase will add at least two more horizontal systems and also includes the installation of eight strategically placed vertical gas wells.
For clarity, horizontal gas wells are perforated pipes placed in relatively shallow trenches that have vacuum applied once buried and are very effective in collecting gas over large surface areas. A vertical well is similar but is drilled into the hill (much like a residential groundwater supply well). These types of wells are very effective at removing gas pressure inside the hill before the gas reaches the surface. Both types of wells are fitted with pumps and remove water in addition to gas.
We anticipate that major gas system construction will be completed in the next 15 days. As with the on-start of phase I of the project, we want to make you aware that there may be temporary, incremental increases in odor with phase II but we anticipate those will be minimal.
May 15, 2020
We are excited to have welcomed thousands of new “workers” to the landfill this week, including two queens! That’s right, Phase I of the landfill is now home to two new honeybee hives.
Phase I (west of CR49) was in operation during the 1970s and closed in 1979 when environmental regulations on landfills became more stringent. Operations then moved across CR49 to Phase II and ultimately Phase III, where we are now. Forty years after closing, Phase I is now a 17-acre grassy field covered with clover and other wildflowers that will provide plenty of pollen for our bees.
Thank you to Hungry Bear Farms for all their support and patience with all our questions. We look forward to our first honey harvest!
March 24, 2020
COVID-19 Ontario County Landfill Update
We hope this update finds all of you healthy and safe. Maintaining waste disposal has been deemed an essential service by the federal and state government, and we are remaining open at this time. Here at Casella, we have been working tirelessly to ensure that our employees remain well informed and able to fulfill our services in a safe environment. We are following the guidance provided by the Healthcare Waste Institute (HWI), the FAQ document they published can be found here.
For further information on what we are doing to protect public health and our employees, check out our recent Casella blog post, Here's to the Heroes.
February 26, 2020
The on-going efforts to install the horizontal gas collection project at Ontario County Landfill has been slow and difficult given the warmer and wetter than typical weather. The impact this weather is having is very similar to attempting to drive a car across a farm field after a rain-slick, sticky, and not safe for those performing the work. Despite this, we have and continue to make progress. We were able to get one complete gas extraction line fully installed and that line is collecting gas but will take a few weeks to get fully up to capacity. We are welding more pipe and we are working towards building a means to allow equipment to work safely in the areas yet to begin.
We will continue to provide updates as we both begin and complete stages of the project
February 3, 2020
Our contractor arrived about 1.5 weeks ago for the installation of horizontal gas wells along the side slopes. After a week of prep work including welding pipe and building access to the construction area, we started to see progress. Last week they installed a leachate collection sump and 150-ft of leachate conveyance pipe. This will help to keep the leachate out of the gas wells, so there is greater capacity to capture gas.
This warm weather, although nice for walking the dog, is making access to the steep slopes difficult. The past few days we concentrated on safety and hope to start again with the trenching for the horizontal installation this week.
See below for pictures of the leachate collection sump.
January 21, 2020
The January thaw has finally come to an end and the ground has frozen. This means that we can now begin to safely run equipment on the slopes to start a new project: installing horizontal gas wells. Once functional, these wells will reduce odors generated by the landfill. It’s important to keep in mind that before odors improve, they may temporarily increase since the installation process involves digging into the existing waste mass. We will continue to provide updates as this project progresses.
December 4, 2019
The construction of the new cell has been completed. The cell includes a geothermal loop installed on the floor that will be used to heat the maintenance building. Using this green technology utilizes renewable energy that eliminates the need to use fossil fuels to heat the building. How does it work? When waste decomposes it generates heat. Fluid (a mixture of propylene glycol and water) is pumped through the 2-mile-long loop in the cell and then through the maintenance building. The picture below (taken on 11/13/19) shows the installation of the loop in progress.
November 19, 2019
If you’ve driven by the landfill on County Route 5 lately, you may have noticed all the trees that were recently planted. A total of 70 new trees have been planted that include linden oaks, swamp white oaks and poplars. Thanks goes out to local Phelps contractor, Cornerstone Outdoor Services for doing an outstanding job.
November 11, 2019
Recently, several improvements have been made to the site’s stormwater system. The main objective of a stormwater system is to keep clean water clean by utilizing erosion and sediment control practices. Below you can see a couple of the structural practices that have been installed: the first picture shows the turf down chute that was installed on the west slope, and the second picture shows one of many sections of swale that was lined with fresh stone. Both pictures were taken on October 28, 2019.
October 21, 2019
Over the past two weeks, 16 vertical gas wells have been drilled in the landfill. On the east slope, along CR-5, 8 new wells were drilled, and another 8 replacement wells were drilled throughout the landfill. The next step is connecting the wells into the gas collection system. Once tied in, this extra landfill gas will be pulled by vacuum to the Landfill Gas-To-Energy facility on-site and be converted into electricity. The picture below is of one of the drill rigs drilling a gas well on the east slope on October 10, 2019.
October 3, 2019
We hope you were one of the many that attended the Open House and saw the cell construction in action, but if you missed it, here’s a progress update:
As you can see from the pictures shown below, a lot happens quickly here, and the view is everchanging. Construction of each additional layer of the liner system starts at the south end of the cell and proceeds northward. The 2-ft layer of drainage stone shown in the 10/1 picture is almost the last step! All that is left after the stone is leachate collection pipes and the base layer gas collection horizontal pipes.
We are also planning to add a geothermal loop to the bottom of this landfill cell to harness the heat generated from the decomposing garbage to heat our new maintenance building.
We'll add pictures of this green technology being installed, so stay tuned!
October 1, 2019
Nearly 500 visitors took advantage of a perfect late summer day to attend an open house held by Casella Waste Systems, Inc. at the Ontario County Landfill and Recycling Facility. The annual event is an opportunity for community members to tour the facilities, and to learn about the company’s holistic approach to waste and resource management.
This year’s event was the most well-attended in the facility’s history.
“I was so glad to see how people came out to spend part of their day with us, learning about the landfill, recycling, and hauling operations that we provide to the community,” said Regional Vice President Dennis Pantano. “It was a great day and we are excited to start planning our next event.”
In addition to its own lines of business, Casella also invited numerous community partners including firefighters from the Stanley Fire Department and a K9 unit from the Ontario Sheriff’s Office.
Partners from Aria Electric were also present to give visitors information on its innovative on-site landfill gas-to-energy operations. The facility is one of several initiatives that Casella has implemented on its way to successfully cutting its carbon footprint in half since 2005. This past year alone the company’s landfill gas projects yielded nearly four times the electricity that its operations consumed last year.
Attendees enjoyed many educational opportunities in addition to the landfill and recycling tours and also enjoyed some great family fun, face painting, and arts activities led by students from nearby Hobart and William Smith College. A free lunch was provided by Dinosaur Bar-B-Que and Casella gave away dozens of door prizes as well as two grand prizes—a gas grill and a snowblower—to attendees. Visitors could receive several opportunities to win simply by engaging with open house staff and experts on site to learn about the operations.
“We want to be a valuable partner for Ontario County in managing its recycling and waste facilities,” Pantano said. “This event is a way to engage more deeply with the members of the community and create a strong foundation from which to build a meaningful relationship. I think everyone who attended learned valuable information that they can take back and share with their friends and neighbors.”
September 16, 2019
We are experiencing light landfill gas odor along the eastern side of the landfill on County Road 5. To combat this, we will be installing more gas wells to try and capture any gas that may be escaping. The drill rig will be showing up this Wednesday to begin work. Come to the open house this coming Saturday and you may get to see the drilling in action! As always, there is a potential of increased odor as the wells are drilled and buried waste being disrupted. We will work to minimize any nuisance odors and get the wells online as soon as possible.
As a reminder, this is a busy weekend of fun activities in Ontario County. Come to the Open House at the Landfill and Recycling Center on Saturday from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. We have great giveaways and tasty food, as wells as informational displays and big trucks and equipment!
Also, Saturday is the Fall Household Hazardous Waste Event held at the Farmington DPW. Last day to register is Friday.
Enjoy the fall weather and we hope to see you this weekend!
August 28, 2019
Held at the Town of Farmington Highway Department
985 Hook Road
Saturday – September 21st, 2019 from 7 AM to 3 PM
- This event is free and open to residents of ONTARIO County only.
- No business or farm waste will be accepted.
- The event is limited to the first 800 residents who register.
What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste is any discarded household material that can be classified as toxic, corrosive, flammable or reactive.
For example:
¨ Oil Based Paint ¨ Batteries ¨ Cleaning Products ¨ Thinners/Strippers ¨ Acids/Bases ¨ Automotive Products¨ Pesticides
Materials Accepted at the Event:
Acids, Adhesives, Aerosols, Antifreeze, Boric Acid, Brake Fluid, Cements, Charcoal Lighters, Chlorine, Cleaning Fluid, Degreasers, Disinfectants, Drain Cleaners, Dry Gas, Epoxies, Dyes, Fiberglass Resins, Flea Powders, Furniture Strippers, Hair Removers, Herbicides, Insect Repellents, Lacquers, Lubricants, Mothballs or Flakes, Motor Oil, Nail Polish Removers, Oven Cleaners, Oil Based Paints, Paint Removers, Paint Thinners, Permanent Solutions, Pesticides, Photo Chemicals, Rat Poisons, Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Rust Solvents, Wood Preservatives, Spot Removers, Tub and Tile Cleaners, Turpentine, Varnish, Weed Killers, Wood Polishes & Stains.
Products containing mercury, and fluorescent light tubes will also be accepted.
Materials NOT Accepted at the Event:
Household Electronics (TVS –flat screen and CRTs, computer monitors, cell phones, DVD players, VCRs, etc.)
Automobile and truck tires, Compressed Gas Cylinders, Explosives or Shock-Sensitive Materials, Ammunition, Radioactive Wastes, Pathological Wastes, Infectious Waste, Medicines, PCB’s, Freon containing devices (i.e. Air conditioners, dehumidifiers).
**Casella reserves the right to reject any waste unidentified, deemed unacceptable by the disposal firm, or of excessive volume**
To pre-register for the event please call before 3:30 p.m. Friday, September 20th, 2019
August 8, 2019
New cell construction is underway. In only 2.5 months our contractor excavated almost 0.5 million cubic yards of soil and prepared the subgrade for the layers of protection that get placed before we’re allowed to put the first piece of waste into the cell. As shown in the pictures, after the subgrade is fine graded, a sheet of composite geonet is placed to suppress the groundwater and keep it from impacting the 2-foot layer of clay. In the coming weeks, we will keep you updated with pictures of the cell progression and the remaining layers of geotextile protection and drainage stone.
August 2, 2019
We have been busy at the landfill with gas well installation and cell construction! This is a picture of a horizontal gas well being installed in the waste. We install these every 200-ft horizontally, and 30-ft vertically, as we fill with waste. These horizontal wells help us collect new gas before we are at an elevation high enough to drill vertical wells.
Stay tuned next week for pictures of our cell construction!
June 13, 2019
We’d like to extend a heartfelt congratulations and thank you to Ken Snyder. Ken is a County employee working at the landfill. This morning we celebrated his 20-years of service at the County. We’re grateful for his dedication and hard work every day.
In other landfill news, our contractor will return next week to drill the last five wells of our east side gas project. We may experience slight odors during the drilling process, but it will help with reduced odors in the long-term.
May 29, 2019
With Memorial Day just behind us, we would like to give our heartfelt thanks to all of our military past, present, and fallen who sacrifice to protect our freedom. Casella and its contractors employ many veterans. Their devotion to our great country is inspiring - their hard work and achievements are evident each and every day.
Befitting for the holiday, we found this guy on the landfill this week. He's keeping a sharp eye on us, overseeing landfill operations.
May 10, 2019
Spring has sprung, and we are excited to see the flowers popping and grass growing! The warmer weather is a welcome treat. Like everyone, we are working on our spring cleaning. We have been seeding and fertilizing bare spots of the landfill and picking litter that escaped over the winter and hid from us in the snow. We will have crews in the wetlands east of County Route 5 over the next couple weeks until all the litter is gone.
Aria Energy, the company that owns and operates the gas plant, has permitted a new trim flare which will be going online within the next couple weeks. Please note, that unlike our flares, which are enclosed, Aria’s flare is open-flame. When driving by 5 & 20 if you see a flame next to the gas plant, please know it is another improvement that will help us control the landfill gas and contain odors.
April 15, 2019
The next semi-annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held on Saturday, April 27 from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Ontario County Landfill – Casella Recycling Facility, Routes 5 & 20 in the Town of Seneca. This is event is free and open to residents of Ontario County only (no business or farm waste accepted). Pre-registration is required. Please register by calling 585-394-3977.
We look forward to seeing you!
February 21, 2019
We started drilling new gas wells this week on the east side of the landfill. We are experiencing elevated gas odors while this is happening, but the piping is all in place, so as soon as the wells are drilled they are being connected to our gas collection system. Once the project is complete (approximately 1 week), this will significantly reduce rogue gas odors coming from the east side of the landfill.
We mentioned a few weeks ago that we have started operating a flare full time. You may be wondering why we are doing that when there is a gas plant on-site that burns the landfill gas and converts it to energy. As we bring in more waste, and that waste decomposes, more gas is generated. Landfill gas is approximately 50% methane, 40-50% carbon dioxide, and the remainder being trace gases. Oxygen and hydrogen are also present in landfill gas from being sucked from the atmosphere into the landfill from the gas wells pulling too hard. It is a delicate balance from pulling so hard we get air, and not enough so that gas escapes. Now, that we’ve exceeded the capacity of the gas plant, we need to run a flare to destroy any harmful substances in the gas.
February 12, 2019
Casella has heard your concerns and is diligently working to reduce our odors. We have a team of scientists and engineers helping us to assess and map out the problem, and we will implement their suggested changes for improvement.
The DEC has approved the design to install vertical gas wells in the cell we are currently filling. We have the contractor on site now and should be completed by the end of February, sooner if the weather cooperates. This will help significantly with the gas odors on the east side of the landfill. Normally, we’d like to finish filling the cell and cease operations before installing wells, but capturing the gas is our top priority. Thank you to the DEC for prioritizing review and approval of this project!
You may have seen in the paper or on social media that we have hired an independent third party, Towpath Investigative Services, to take over doing our odor investigations. This firm is trained to scientifically assess odors and is experienced with landfill odors based on odor investigations they have conducted at other facilities in the area. Utilizing Towpath will also free up time for landfill staff to concentrate on operating the landfill, fixing our problems and avoiding future issues. The new firm will start this week.
Thank you and please keep using the hotline to let us know where you’re detecting odors.
January 18, 2019
We have had a busy week here at the landfill, with much progress towards measures that will help mitigate offsite odors.
- We have received approval from the DEC to start using our new cell. We will start placing waste early next week and should have any open drainage stone covered within approximately 4 weeks, this timeframe could be impacted by weather conditions. As we mentioned earlier, this open stone was an easy route for gas to escape. We are examining the design and looking at ways to reduce this for future construction.
- We install horizontal wells as we fill each cell. We are at an elevation in our current filling area where we will be adding more horizontal gas collectors this week. This will help us collect more gas.
- We are also at a high enough elevation where we can start drilling vertical wells. We have a contractor scheduled to drill vertical wells in our current cell in mid-February (weather depending). Again, more wells, more gas collected.
- We regularly monitor the gas plant and run our flares as needed to burn off any gas in excess of its capacity. The flares are enclosed, so you will not see a flame, but you may have noticed the heat differential at the top of the stacks.
Thank you and please continue to call our hotline with any complaints about landfill odors.
January 11, 2019
Happy New Year! We hope over the past month you had the opportunity to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Despite the rush of the holidays, we want to assure you that we, at Ontario County Landfill, did not pause in our continued efforts to minimize odors and our impact on the community.
One new measure we have in place is a vapor system along the north and east. This is similar to what we’ve had around the lagoons for a couple years now. We have employed a consultant that is a national expert in odor control to help us select the best option for our specific landfill odors and weather conditions. The process uses a three-fold approach:
- Neutralization – converts odor-causing material into odor-free, stable, non-harmful compounds
- Adsorption – odor molecules are trapped into a solution
- Alteration – the malodor and the counteractant react and cancel each other out
The product is biodegradable and contains no hazardous components. It is not unlike an essential oil mister one might use in a home. Because of our climate, we have chosen a vapor technology that will not be hampered by freezing temperatures. Much like steam off a hot cup of coffee, the vapor is barely visible. Therefore, a slight scent is added so we know the system is working. This scent should not be detectable from the road. We are currently using a “Splendor of Christmas” scent, but our engineer is hoping we switch to orange soon. She is tired of getting sprayed and smelling like baked goods.
Of course, this is not all we are doing to reduce odors. Stay tuned in the coming months for more information.
November 26, 2018
Casella is aware of the recent odor-related issues stemming from a particular landfill construction project and wants to explain how the gas well connection process works and why.
The construction of new landfill cells requires exposure of part of the older landfill liner system, and this is required in order to weld the new sections of liner to the older sections. While the stone layer of the landfill is exposed it provides the path of least resistance for gas movement which can cause increased odors from the landfill gas. The stone layer of the liner system is exposed today and must remain that way until NYSDEC approval is given to place waste in the new section of the landfill.
Once NYSDEC approval is given waste may begin to be placed in the new cell, which will cover up that stone drainage system and make it more likely that gas is collected via the installed gas collection piping network, which will diminish odors and generate electricity. NYSDEC approval to place waste is anticipated in early December, and we believe odor will be significantly reduced at that time.
In addition, the active gas collection system is being continually improved, and we are in the process of connecting the recently installed horizontal gas collectors in the active landfill cell, which will also help us reduce and manage odor better.
October 24, 2018
Ontario County and Casella sponsored another successful Household Hazardous Waste Day on September 15. We would like to thank the residents of our community for taking the time to properly dispose of your hazardous items and in effect keep them out of the landfill. This year we saw 676 participants, a 40% increase from previous events. As a friendly reminder, latex paint is not hazardous and can be disposed of with your normal garbage. Just remove the lid, let it dry out naturally until solid and toss in your regular household waste. We will be holding another household hazardous waste day at Ontario County Landfill in the spring of 2019. Details to come as the date nears.
Additionally, here are some recent happenings at the landfill:
- The construction of the 4.8 acre double composite landfill liner system , Cell-9C-2, is rapidly approaching completion. We are compiling the required test data to finalize and submit the construction certification reports to the NYSDEC. We will begin utilizing Cell-9C-2 upon approval and anticipate authorization before year-end.
- The liner system of our current Cell-9C-1 must be welded to the new Cell-9C-2 to make the barrier impermeable to keep the garbage and leachate where it belongs. To do this, there may be brief instances of odors. We will manage this process to have the least impact possible to our neighbors and passersby.
- We have continued to work on slope grading, drainage maintenance and storm-water controls on the landfill and have seeded, fertilized over 30 acres and applied straw matting to over 15 of those acres. We hope you’ve noticed the landfill turning green!
- The exterior of our new maintenance building is being finalized and we look to complete the inside and move in early 2019.
- The installation of the 28 new landfill gas extraction wells earlier this year are functioning, and we continue to recover additional methane gas from the landfill.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 585-526-4420.
August 8, 2018
With the fond memories of a very successful Ontario County Fair not too far behind us, and the beginning of the transition from summer to fall, the Casella Team at the Ontario County Landfill continues to work diligently on the various projects that have required collaboration with County, local and regulatory bodies this year. We are focused and determined to meet these goals and are positioned to finish strong and see these items to completion.
Ongoing projects include constructing a new landfill cell, tuning, updating and expanding the existing landfill gas recovery system, completing the upkeep maintenance of the landfill slopes, enhancing drainage, planting vegetation, and taking steps to improve our litter control and management plan. Casella has given enhanced attention to the proper installation of the landfill controls that protect the environment and continue to make the landfill safe for everyone. We will provide further details on each of these projects in the coming months in the form of a status update using this venue. If you have a specific question on any aspect of the landfill, please know that our staff is available to discuss in greater detail at any time.
Casella takes our responsibility of protecting the environment and our partnership with the County, the NYS Department of Environmental Conversation and all County residents very seriously. The Casella Team is here to carry out this mission and we are dedicated to make sure this happens…every day. If you wish to register a compliment, report a nuisance or have other concerns related to the landfill, please call the toll free number 800- 230-2004 hotline. We will investigate any concern and use our best efforts to address the items quickly. The Casella Team appreciates the opportunity to serve the community in an open and professional manner.
June 14, 2018
Friday morning, June 15, the landfill gas-to-energy plant will be shutting down to perform normal maintenance procedures. The plant is expected to be back in operation in a couple hours, but during this downtime, it is likely some may notice landfill gas odors downwind of the facility.
The gas plant assures me that they will be down as little as possible and we hope this does not cause any concerns from people passing by.
Please call the landfill office if you have any questions at 585-526-4420.
May 16, 2018
Starting this week, the landfill began drilling and installing 28 new landfill gas wells. These wells will extract methane from the landfill and use it in the gas-to-energy plant. This project should take a couple weeks to complete and during this time, there is a risk of increased odors. To lessen this risk, we’ve asked that the well be installed immediately after the hole is drilled and then to cap the wells before they are integrated into the existing gas collection system.
May 9, 2018
On Saturday, May 12 from 9am-3pm the City and Town of Geneva in collaboration with Casella will be holding a clean up “drive-thru” event. Two transfer stations are open to City and Town residents only.
- Geneva City Transfer Station - 43 Doran Avenue
- Geneva Town Transfer Station - 32 White Springs Road
We will be accepting mattresses, eWaste, lawn debris, cardboard, scrap metal, recycling, carpets, wood, paper, shingles, glass, furniture, framing, bulky items, and items that could be Good Will donations.
We will not be accepting lighting (bulbs), hazardous waste items, household trash, TVs, or batteries.
Pre-registration and proof of residency are required. To pre-register please contact Rhonda Destino at 315-828-6588 or Also, for elderly residents or persons with disabilities, we are able to schedule a pick up of your items. Please contact Rhonda for more details.
April 10, 2018
On April 4th, the region received heavy winds of 30+ mph with gusts in excess of 50 mph. The wind tore seven panels of netting along the eastern boundary and was strong enough to lean over two 40’ tall wooden poles. The wind event allowed trash to leave the site. An immediate cleanup and repair process began thanks to the help of Casella staff, temporary labor and two local construction companies. This effort, with oversight from NYSDEC, will continue until the trash is fully picked up.
March 26, 2018
Casella, along with Ontario County will be hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Collection day.
When: Saturday April 21, 2018, from 7 am to 3 pm.
Where: The Ontario County Landfill Recycling Facility, Routes 5 & 20 Seneca, NY.
This event is free and open to residents of Ontario County. Pre-registration and proof of residency will be required. To pre-register for the event, please call 585-394-3977 x427 before 3:30 pm on Friday, April 20. Call now! This event is open to the first 800 residents who register.
March 22, 2018
On March 12, we began construction of additional netting infrastructure to collect any waste or blowing papers along the eastern property boundary of the facility. The 40-foot-tall poles have been installed and the netting is scheduled to arrive soon. Along with this new netting infrastructure, we will be replacing the netting along the eastern boundary and adding a section at the southern entrance. This is expected to be completed in April 2018.
Zoladz Construction was selected as the company to build the 4.8-acre Cell 9C-2. Construction will begin in mid-April and will take approximately six months to complete. We will keep you updated on timing as this project progresses.
We have been moving soil to the top of the landfill and mixing it with compost to add nutrients to the soil. The western slope will be covered with this soil and grass will be planted as weather permits in the spring months.
February 19, 2018
We are well underway in our newest cell, 9 C-1 of covering the liner with the first layer of selective trash. This “fluff layer” is made of specific trash types inspected and selected as to not cause any harm to the liner system. This will continue throughout the month and into March.
The next cell to be constructed is 4.8 acres and is called 9 C-2. We are in the process of selecting a construction company and anticipate construction start in April.
If you’ve driven past the site recently, you may have noticed that some trees have been cut down behind the manor. The trees had to be cleared to make way for a brand-new maintenance building, which will replace the existing building. Construction is scheduled to begin in May-June and will be completed this year.
With any break in the weather, we continue to work on stabilizing the western slope. This project will continue until the slopes are stable enough to plant grass in the spring.
January 15, 2018
The construction of the newest area of the facility, Cell 9C-1, received approval from the DEC to begin operations on December 26, 2017. We began with the initial select layer of trash on the December 28.
With a small break in the weather this week, Casella continued to add soils to the western slopes and building stormwater controls, such as swales, down chutes and check dams. These tasks should stabilize the slope and allow us to plant grass in the spring. This work will continue until weather forces us to stop the project.
The facility had a wind event on January 5, 2018, when high winds tore a section of litter netting at the south-east corner of the landfill and a sizable amount of litter left the property. With the help of professional tree climbers, Casella staff and a large group on temporary labor, we immediately began the process of picking up the litter and will not stop until it is cleaned up.
Landfill Hotline Reminder. Casella takes our responsibility of protecting the environment very seriously. If you wish to report a nuisance or any other concern related to the Ontario County Landfill, please call the toll free 1(888) 230-2004 hotline. Facility staff will investigate all reported concerns and will use best efforts to determine the cause in order to better serve our community.
Have a safe and happy 2018.
December 18, 2017
The construction of the newest area of the facility, Cell 9C-1, is now complete. Casella has submitted the construction certification report to the NYSDEC and we anticipate approval in the next few weeks. A large section of litter netting has been re-installed along the eastern edge of the property. This netting is instrumental in keeping any blowing litter contained onsite.
Casella continues to add additional soils on the western slopes and building stormwater controls, such as swales, down chutes and check dams. These tasks should stabilize the slope and allow us to plant grass in the spring. This work will continue until inclement weather forces us to stop the project.
The cleaning of sediment from stormwater ponds is complete for now, but we will be requesting permission from NYSDEC to do additional work in these ponds as necessary over the winter months to ensure we are fully prepared when the snow thaws.
Landfill Hotline Reminder. Casella takes our responsibility of protecting the environment very seriously. If you wish to report a nuisance or any other concern related to the Ontario County Landfill, please call the toll free 1(888) 230-2004 hotline. Facility staff will investigate all reported concerns and will use best efforts to determine the cause in order to better serve our community.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
November 9, 2017
The construction of the newest Cell, 9C-1, is almost complete and should be ready for receipt of solid waste in a couple months. Despite all of the recent rain, the construction crew did a great job at keeping on schedule. Now, final testing of the liner system is underway.
If you’ve driven by the site lately, you may have noticed extensive maintenance and upgrades have been performed on the side slopes. Many areas underwent additional slope stabilization, and 22 acres of the facility has had spray seeding applied to it. By spring there will be extensive amounts of green grass growing. Other slope areas to the south and west of the landfill have had a temporary cap installed. This synthetic cover helps control leachate and minimize odors.
Now that the rain has slowed down a little and before winter hits, the staff has been busy cleaning sediment that has collected in the various sediment ponds and ditches. We have also installed some berms and down chute along the north and west corner of the landfill to help with storm water controls.
August 17, 2017
NYSDEC has approved the installation of 13 new vertical gas collection wells. The installation of these wells is scheduled to begin on August 28. There will be a potential for odor outbreaks during the installation process. During Labor Day weekend, we will ensure that all work is closed up and sealed to minimize odors to the maximum extent possible. If you experience an odor related to the landfill please call the Hotline at 1-888-230-2004.
July 20, 2017
As any farmer will tell you, it has been a wet spring/early summer this year. Rain certainly adds challenges to moving equipment and dirt around the landfill. In spite of the rainy conditions, many of our projects this year are well underway.
Utility Line Relocation
We are happy to report that all of the utility relocations required for this year’s cell construction have been completed. This work included a scheduled shutdown of the power plant and operation of the gas flares which went as planned.
Cell Construction
Construction of Cell 9C-1, in the southeast corner of the site, has begun and, despite the rain, is surprisingly close to being on schedule. We anticipate construction of this new cell to be complete this fall. As with any new construction, we will be opening up areas of the landfill to complete the tie in of the liner. We will do our best to manage potential odor outbreaks.
Temporary Cap / Seeding
What has likely been impacted the most by the rain is our ability to get the slopes seeded or capped with temporary plastic covers. With the recent dry weather, we are able to start seeding next week and expect to begin temp cap installation by the beginning of August.
Gas Collection
Horizontal gas collectors continue to be installed in Cell 8A-1 as waste is placed and compacted. Additional vertical wells are planned for installation this fall.
Truck Turn Times
There has been some interest in how quickly local waste collection trucks can get in and out of the facility. The graph below shows continued improvement in turn times. We expect that the average times will stay below the target of 45 minutes per truck for the foreseeable future.
May 2, 2017
Spring is finally here!!
With spring comes a new construction season, and it will be a busy time again at Ontario County Landfill.
Utility Relocation
The water line running through the expansion area has now been moved and placed in service. In the next few weeks, you will be able to see new power poles going up along County Route 5. Those power poles will carry the electricity from the power plant to consumers. We expect that work will take four to six weeks. Sometime in May the power plant will have to switch over to the new power lines. That will take a couple of days, and during that temporary period of time, we will be operating the on-site flares. We will provide a timing update as soon as the schedule is set for the tie-in.
Cell Construction
This year we will be building a new cell on the southeast corner of the facility. Construction will begin in May and continue through October.
Gas Collection
We are continuously installing new gas collection lines and wells at the site. NYSDEC has approved our plan for horizontal collection in the new Cell 8A-1 and that will be installed as we fill that cell. We are also preparing designs for additional vertical wells to be place on top of the landfill and expect that work will be done in August.
Temporary Cap
We plan to install two temporary caps this year, one on the south and west side of the facility above the current cap, and one on the north side of Cell 9B-1. We hope to have both installed by the end of September.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates.
February 2, 2017
Greetings from the Ontario County Landfill!
As we reported last month, we have been working hard to complete our installation of expanded gas collection facilities, to further reduce odors. We are happy to report that by the end of this week 31 new wells and 13 existing wells will be tied into the new header system. This will complete this round of infrastructure installation however, we are already making plans for an additional, smaller installation sometime in the May – June time frame. We will keep you posted.
Our new landfill cell on the west side of the landfill is also nearly complete and approved by NYSDEC to accept waste. Sometime in the next month we will begin placing waste in the new cell. Plans are nearly complete for the next cell which will be constructed this summer. Stay tuned.
Next week, if you happen past the landfill on County Route 5, you will likely see a contractor installing an upgraded waterline along the road. The waterline is being relocated to make room for future landfill cells and will replace the current, very old line that services many in the Town. There should be little to no interruption in service.
During March and April, we will also be relocating some power and phone lines that run through the facility today. These will also be installed along County Route 5.
December 24, 2016
As of December 22, we have now completed the installation of 31 new gas collection wells. Before the end of the year these wells will be connected to the active collection system in order to begin producing gas for the electrical generation plant. Recent odors associated with the drilling and installation of these wells will be greatly reduced now that all of the drilling is complete. Over the next month and a half, all of these new wells will be connected to the vacuum system which will further reduce incidents of off-site odors.
If you would like to report an incident of odors or have concerns about the landfill operation, either call 585-526-4420 or click the link on this page to leave feedback.
Ontario Landfill wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
October 14, 2016
The NYSDEC recently provided approval for waste filling within the first of the 2 new landfill cells being built this year. Filling within the first cell is now being initiated while construction of the second cell is on-going and will be completed later this year.
Horizontal landfill gas collectors have been installed within the first cell prior to waste filling. In addition, plans are being developed for the addition of ~ 30 new landfill gas vertical collection wells that will be installed in 2017 along with horizontal collectors in both of the new cells. Plans are also being developed for 2018-2022 for additional landfill gas collection infrastructure.
September 27, 2016
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for a guided tour of the Ontario County Landfill and Recycling facilities. Ask our experts about landfill and recycling operations, and how you can reduce landfill waste by recycling and composting.
A fun filled day, free to everyone. The event is rain or shine.
- Pumpkin painting
- Bounce house
- Recycling trucks onsite
- Free food provided – donuts, bagels, cider, coffee, juice, cotton candy, popcorn & more!
August 22, 2016
Construction of the new landfill cells as part of the wrap around expansion is continuing on schedule. The new leachate lagoons and interim cell (#9) are now fully constructed. Most recently the new pump station was successfully tested by our external engineers as required. Certification reports have been submitted to the NYSDEC for their review which following Department approval, the lagoons will be placed into operation. All waste relocation activities as part of the construction of the expansion cell #8 have been completed and once the new lagoons are placed on line, the existing lagoon will be taken out of service and removed as part of the construction work necessary to finalize completion of cell #8. Waste placement currently continues on top of the landfill which upon approval from the DEC will be redirected to the front of the facility into cell #9 for approximately 3-4 months prior to moving into cell #9 pending DEC approval of that cell in the future.
Efforts are continuing to be made to expand the existing landfill gas collection system including installation of new horizontal gas collectors yet this year and new vertical wells in early 2017.
Additional efforts are currently underway to provide additional intermediate cover and erosion control measures on the eastern slopes of the landfill.
June 2, 2016
The power plants were temporarily taken off line in order to complete additional gas collection system tie-ins that are now required as a result of the realignment and upgrades to the system.
May 17, 2016
The landfill cell construction and leachate infrastructure improvements projects are now well under way including the waste relocation activities. The relocation of the landfill collection system header and new condensate knock out installation are now complete.
As part of the daily operations, we have been continuing to regularly water the access and haul roads at the facility. We are proactively working on measures for controlling dust.
April 18, 2016
The power plants will be taken off line on Wednesday again to allow connection of the new 18" gas header lines on both the east and west sides of the facility. As in the past, the flares will be operated while the plants are off line.
As previously reported, as part of the upcoming cell construction activities we will be relocating (older) waste in order to remove two manholes. This activity has been delayed pending final approval from the NYSDEC for this phase of the project.
Aside from the delay associated with the waste relocation, the construction work is on schedule.
March 22, 2016
The power plants have been taken off line today due to utility maintenance by NYSEG. We have been running the flares and expect the plant to be back on line later this evening. We anticipate that the plants will be taken off line again later this week for a short time as part of the new landfill cell construction activities (pending approval of that phase of the project by the NYSDEC).
Our prime contractor mobilized their equipment and started the leachate management infrastructure improvements project which has been approved by the NYSDEC. In addition, our landfill gas contractor has been continuing to proceed with installation of new lines that will be tied to the recently installed vertical gas wells (8) as well as re-alignment of the existing landfill gas collection header along the northern perimeter of the site.
As part of the upcoming cell construction activities, we will be relocating (older) waste in order to remove two manhole locations as part of an upgrade to a vertical side riser leachate removal system. We anticipate that the waste relocation will start during the second week of April. Based on our past successful experiences moving similar waste materials we will be prepared to manage odors as best as possible should they arise. The waste will be covered at the end of each day as required by the facility permit.
February 29, 2016
Installation of the 8 new vertical gas wells will be completed today. On March 8th we have a contractor starting who will be relocating a portion of the exterior landfill gas collection header in preparation for the upcoming landfill cell construction. Following realignment, of the header line, the 8 new gas wells will be connected to the existing gas collection system.
We have started to import clay for the upcoming construction project and we will soon be taking delivery of various materials that will be utilized during the construction including geomembrane liner and textile rolls and precast concrete manholes. We anticipate that the construction activities will commence in late March or early April depending on the weather.
The two new landfill gas flares that are referenced in the new air permit will be arriving in early April and will installed shortly thereafter. All landfill gas continues to be beneficially utilized in the on-site landfill gas to energy facility.
February 5, 2016
We are continuing to expand the landfill gas collection system including the replacement of gas wells that were abandoned as part of the recent final cover removal project (both approved by the NYSDEC). Pending additional approval from the DEC, we are proposing to install eight (8) new vertical wells along the upper north section of the landfill. In addition to these upgrades, we are also planning to relocate the main gas header lines coming into the landfill gas to energy plants which is needed as part of the upcoming landfill expansion construction efforts. We will also be installing two (2) new gas flares in the coming weeks as provided in the new air permit for the facility.
December 7, 2015
The new vertical gas wells are now installed; 12 wells were installed even though 11 were anticipated. The DEC granted permission for the installation of the additional well. Three of the 12 wells have been connected to the gas collection system and are now conveying gas to the power plants. The remaining wells will be connected to the collection system over the next week as the new laterals are constructed.
The DEC recently provided approval for installation of ~5 acres of temporary cover along a portion of the western landfill slope. Construction of the temporary cap was commenced last week to allow preparation of the slope and installation of the geomembrane anchor trenches. Our geomembrane contractor will be on site later this week to begin deployment of the temporary cap. Weather permitting we anticipate completion of this project later next week.
The DEC also recently issued the new Part 360 operating permit for the landfill. As outlined in the new permit we will be opening the gates at 7 am rather than 6 am going forward.
October 28, 2015
Despite having just added a new main gas header line, we are once again planning to undertake an additional expansion of the landfill gas collection system beginning in mid-November (which has been approved by the NYSDEC). We are planning to add 11 new vertical gas wells which will be tied into the existing gas collection system and should be on line by mid-December.
The north and a portion of the western side slopes have recently been seeded as we prepare for winter and we are continuing to clean out the two main stormwater retention ponds.
A majority of the final cover system has now been removed.
August 10, 2015
We have been filling the lower northern slope for the past few weeks where the final cover system was recently removed. As part of this effort, we will be installing horizontal gas collectors as the waste progression proceeds in this general area over the next several weeks. In addition, we are awaiting NYDEC approval for the installation of a new 10" landfill gas header line along the upper back portion of the landfill to provide additional vacuum to gas wells that were installed earlier this year. We are also looking into the installation of 10 - 12 new vertical gas wells which pending NYSDEC approval we hope to install this Fall. Lastly, we are planning (also pending DEC approval) to install ~ 5 acres of temporary exposed geomembrane along a portion of the back western side of the facility (expanding the existing geomembrane cap).
July 7, 2015
We are continuing to successfully remove the final cover components along the eastern, northern and western edges of the first cells within the Phase III landfill. As part of this effort, we are also continuing to relocate and expand the landfill gas collection lines and/or we have temporarily shut off some gas wells (as allowed under the air permit). A vacuum will be safely restored to these wells following landfilling activities within these areas.
In addition to the cover removal activities, we are also in the process of installing a new haul road along the back eastern slope.
Lastly, starting early next week we will be having a contractor continue with electric utility line relocation along the frontage of the facility near gas to energy facilities.
June 10, 2015
We have been experiencing a significant amount of rain over the past several days. The rain has hampered at times the placement of cover soils. In addition, our current active filling area is located along the upper slope and furthest eastern edge of the landfill. We are working diligently to work through the inclement weather. We are also in the process of installing a new haul road along a section of the eastern slope as a means to facilitate future disposal operations within the western expansion area.
March 24, 2015
The recently installed vertical gas wells have all been connected to the gas collection system. We are now in the process of covering the
slopes that were impacted from the lateral and header line installations.
We are doing some testing of the 4 gas flares this afternoon and the power plants have temporarily been taken off line in order for us
to complete these tests. We anticipate the plants will only be off line for 60-75 mins this afternoon.
February 20, 2015
Good morning.
The recent harsh weather conditions have been hampering our ability to complete the installation of the newly installed gas collection system wells. We are doing our best to work through this situation.
January 28, 2015
Good morning. We have recently completed the installation of 20 new vertical gas wells which are now in the process of being connected to the existing gas collection system (and power plants). In parallel, we are also now starting to begin the installation of new horizontal gas wells which will provide additional gas collection as we continue to abandon older gas wells as fill progression continues.
December 29, 2014
We are once again planning to undertake an additional expansion of the landfill gas collection system beginning in mid-January pending approval from the NYSDEC. We are planning to add 15 new vertical gas wells into the current working area.
Lastly, we will be installing two new gas flares in late Spring 2015.
September 9, 2014
We are planning to undertake an additional expansion of the landfill gas collection system this year even though we just completed an expansion this year in June. We are anticipating the installation of 3 additional horizontal wells and 2 vertical wells. Construction and installation of the planned expansion will be taking place later this month and into October. Efforts are continuing with the covering of additional landfill gas collection system piping as well as efforts to begin pumping select gas wells to lower perched water levels and to enhance gas collection system performance in those areas.
Lastly, Our annual Household Hazardous Waste collection day is scheduled for Sat, Sept. 20th. Appointments must be made in advance and can be done so by calling 585-526-4420.
June 6, 2014
Greetings. The landfill gas collection system expansion project has been completed. The new horizontal and vertical gas wells have been installed and have been connected to the active system drawing the new gas into the on-site power production facilities to produce electricity. Efforts are continuing with the covering of landfill gas collection system piping as wells as efforts to begin pumping select gas wells to lower perched water levels and to enhance gas collection system performance in those areas.
March 18, 2014
Good afternoon. The Casella website was recently upgraded to include numerous changes. As a result of these changes the date headings for the updates provided below are unfortunately incorrect.
With Spring approaching we have secured New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approval to expand the active gas collection system. The upgrades include the addition of new vertical and horizontal gas collection lines within the current working area of the landfill. The improvements are expected to take place in early to mid April and will include drilling within the landfill in order for the vertical wells to be installed. Some temporary odors may be present during this time period. The gas that will be captured from the new improvements will be conveyed to the on-site power plants.
November 1, 2013
Good afternoon! As part of the ongoing south slope improvement projects at the landfill, contractors will be working at the facility this Sunday.
The recent high week have made it difficult to deploy the rolls of synthetic needed to finish the exposed cap, which has made this Sunday work necessary to stay on schedule.
The proposed work for Sunday will be confined to the installation of the geosynthetics only. As such, the only piece of heavy equipment that will be used will be the lift for deployment of the rolls. If you have any questions about the ongoing construction efforts please call the landfill office at 585.526.4420.
October 9, 2013
Good afternoon. The Ontario County Landfill is improving our infrastructure and we wanted you to know. Over the course of the next 9 weeks landfill contractors will be making several improvements to the landfill gas collection and stormwater diversion systems. The planned gas collection improvements will involve the installation of an 18" gas header along the south and west slopes of the operational landfill. This 18" header will replace the existing 12" header system. Additionally, exposed synthetic capping will be expanded along the above referenced slopes. After the gas work is completed the stormwater diversion swales along the bottom of these slopes will be reconstructed to ensure that stormwater continues to be effectively managed.
These improvements will allow us to do an even better job of collecting landfill gas, using it to produce electricity and reduce our greenhouse gas footprint. We’ll also be able to better manage how stormwater moves around and off the site.
During this project, you might notice a solid waste or gas odor in the immediate vicinity of the landfill. This odor will be temporary, and we’ll be making every effort to end each day’s construction activities in such a way as to limit odor leaving the site.
Should you have any questions, please call the landfill office at (585) 526-4420 and ask for Bob Walls or Jerry Leone.
August 8, 2013
Good afternoon. Landfill management has been notified by the landfill gas to energy facility staff that the power plant went down at 4:33PM this afternoon due to a utility trip. The utility trip was caused by strong storms in the area. The LFGTE Facility was unable to go back online due to downed lines in the vicinity. During the plant down time, landfill staff powered up one of the onsite flares so that landfill gas could continue to be collected and combusted efficiently.
As of the time of this message, approximately 6:19PM power plant staff have received word from the utility that they may begin to power back up. According to the plant employees, it is anticipated that the plant will be fully operational within the next hour.
July 20, 2013
Good afternoon. Landfill management has been notified by the landfill gas to energy facility staff that the power plant went down around 10AM this morning due to a utility trip. The utility trip was caused by strong storms in the area. As of 12PM this afternoon, all but 2 engines were back online and operational. The power plant staff will continue to diligently work on getting the additional 2 engines up and running. In the mean time, landfill staff have powered up one of the onsite flares so that landfill gas may continue to be collected and combusted efficiently.
July 8, 2013
Good afternoon. Expansion of the landfill gas collection system will occur over the course of the next two weeks. Construction contractors will be mobilizing to the site tomorrow morning (Tuesday July 9th). 7 vertical gas wells will be installed in an effort to continue the efficient collection of the landfill gas. It is expected that the installation effort will take approximately 2 weeks. However, the timeline for this activity may vary due to weather coniditions experienced at the site. During the construction process intermitant gas odors may be noticed around the landfill property. Should you have any questions please contact the landfill office at 585.526.4420 and ask for Robert Walls or Carla Jordan. Thank you.
April 1, 2013
Good afternoon. Landfill operations will be commencing with the installation of a 10 acre cap this week. Construction of the exposed synthetic membrane will occur on the South slope of the operational landfill. The construction will primarily involve the welding of green LLDPE panels. Although most of the work around the cap's anchor trench has already been performed, an additional 150 feet of trench area will need to be exposed to complete the construction effort. During the time that the anchor trench is exposed, landfill odors may be noticeable in the vicintiy of the landfill. Construction efforts are expected to be completed by the 15th of April, weather permitting. Any changes to the construction schedule or anticipated work load will be communicated further. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Fred Kober at the landfill office (585.526.4420).
March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013: An odor complaint was forwarded to the landfill office this afternoon by the Ontario County Planning Department. The original complaint was made around 6PM on March 27th. Due to the delayed report, landfill personnel could not respond to the complaint. A survey of the complaint area this afternoon resulted in no noticeable landfill odors observed. In order to provide responsive action, Casella will be working with the County to create a more timely complaint option for residents with any odor questions or concerns. In the mean time, please contact Fred Kober at the landfill office (585.526.4420) to report any landfill related odors.
March 22, 2013
Good afternoon! In an effort to better serve our community we want to make sure that any interested individual has the opportunity to tour the landfill facility. The landfill property hosts both an active municipal solid waste landfill and a state of the art Zero Sort recycling facility. An independently owned and operated landfill gas to energy facility is also located on the property. Together these facilities help provide resource management opportunities for the surrounding community. If you are interested in touring any of the facilities listed above, please contact the landfill office at (585) 526-4420 and ask for Fred Kober or Carla Jordan to set up a tour time. Please feel free to pass along this invitation to anyone else you know who may be interested.
January 16, 2013
Good Morning! In an effort to provide landfill operations notifications in a timely manner, Casella will be testing out a Global Connect Reverse Call System. Individuals who have subscribed to these website notifications and have provided a phone number will be automatically enrolled in this call service. A test call is planned for later this week. If you had not previously provided a phone number, but would like to receive these calls, please email your name and phone number to
January 16, 2013
Landfill staff has been notified this morning, that the landfill gas to energy facility, operated by Innovative Energy, will be going offline at 10AM, January 16, 2013. The plant will be taken offline for utlility connections associated with their new expanded plant. It is anticipated that the plant will only be offline for the afternoon, and should be back up and operating at the end of the day. In the interim, landfill staff will be operating all flares to aid in the combustion of the collected gas. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Fred Kober at 585.526.4420. Thanks.
December 11, 2012
Landfill staff have been notified by IES (the landfill gas to energy facility operators) that their plant will be going offline tomorrow, December 12, 2012. The energy plant will be offline for the day, so that they can install condensate infrastructure associated with their new 3 engine expansion building. It is anticipated that the plant will not be offline for more than one day. During this period of time, the landfill will have all of their flares operating to combust the gas that is collected. Should you have any questions, please contact Landfill General Manager, Fred Kober at (585)526-4420.
November 28, 2012
The small open flare (located west of the active landfill) will be manually shut down today between the hours of 11AM - 3PM so that new gas collection piping may be tied in to the system. Should you have any questions or comments, please call Landfill General Manager, Fred Kober, at 585.526.4420.
November 6, 2012
Please note....landfill contractors will be onsite excavating waste over the next few days in order to make necessary improvements to the leachate collection system. Waste will need to be excavated in order to replace stone that has been silted in. The contractors will be working as quickly as possible to ensure that the improvements are made in a timely matter. It is anticipated that the work will be completed by the end of the week (11/9). During the period of waste excavation, landfill gas odor and waste odor may be noticeable in the area immediately surrounding the landfill. Should you have any questions please contact Fred Kober at (585) 526-4420.
October 29, 2012
The landfill will be opening late tomorrow morning (10/30/12). Due to the forecasted high winds, the landfill will not begin accepting waste until 11AM. Additional changes may be made to the operating hours based on the weather conditions encountered. Should you have any questions regarding whether the landfill is accepting waste, please feel free to contact the landfill office at (585) 526-4420.
October 23, 2012
All 4 Facility flares will experience periods of start up and shut down over the course of the next 4 days. The flares will be shut down for required annual maintenance. They should not be off line for more than 5 hours each. Only one flare will be shut down at a time. During this maintenance period, the landfill gas to energy facility will continue to be operational.
October 8, 2012
One of the Facility's open flares was manually shut down at 10:15 this morning. The flare was turned off so that gas wells and piping that were recently installed can be connected to our active gas collection system. The flare should be turned back on, and resume normal operation, by 4:30 this afternoon (baring any complications with the construction tie in). If you have any questions, please contact Fred Kober at the landfill office (585.526.4420).
October 2, 2012
Please note...the active gas landfilll flares and landfill gas-to-energy facility were shut down at approximately 9AM this morning, October 2nd. The combustion devices had to be shut off due to a landfill gas line being puncture by equipment that is currently onsite to install more gas collection wells. The gas header was immediately repaired and the flares and gas plant were all operational again by 11AM. Please feel free to contact the landfill office and ask for Fred Kober or Carla Jordan if you have any questions regarding this event.
September 26, 2012
The landfill will be adding 12 vertical wells to their existing landfill gas collection system. These wells will be concentrated in the newer areas of the landfill. The contractor has mobilized to the site and will begin drilling this afternoon. During the time that this construction occurs, landfill gas odors may be noticeable in the immediate vicinity of the landfill. The duration of the construction is anticipated to be no more than 2 weeks, weather permitting. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the landfill at 585.526.4420 and ask for Fred Kober or Carla Jordan.
September 20, 2012
The registration for our annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection event will close tomorrow, Friday September 21, 2012, at 3:30PM. The event is being held Saturday, September 22, 2012 at the Casella Recycling building and is open to Ontario County residents only. Pre-registration is required. Please call the landfill office (585.526.4420) before 3:30PM on the 21st to register.
- Phone: (888) 852-2151
- Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 5:00pm
- Sat: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Phone: (802) 438-2151
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM